Bound by the Don Page 16
“Like Sheriff Donohue could have tracked us down. A sleepy sheriff of a sleepy small town. He’s not a threat.”
“Well, Mad Dog seems to think otherwise,” Hatchet replied and Jackrabbit flinched.
Mad Dog was the president of the Roadburners crew, and Jackrabbit had a good reason to flinch. Though he may be the vice president, ever since a job went south the year before there had been some bad blood between the two of them. And Mad Dog had gotten his nickname for a reason. He had a quick-fire temper that turned deadly, often without warning. He wasn’t someone to cross.
“You think he’s going to be particularly happy when he sees what else you brought home with you?” Rabbit asked, one eyebrow arched. Hatchet just shrugged.
“Look, she’s my problem. Not yours. I’ll deal with her, okay? Just lay off the lecture. I don’t need this shit from you.”
“You need it from someone, Hatch. You’ve been reckless.” His friend stared at him.
Hatchet couldn’t form an answer. He’d known the other man for over fifteen years. They’d served together overseas, and Rabbit was the one who had helped him dig his life out of the shithole he’d found himself in after McLaurel had fired him. Rabbit was the one who’d introduced him to the Roadburners. Hatchet owed the other man his life, but he still didn’t have an answer for him.
“Just leave it be, alright?” Hatchet demanded. “I’ll figure this shit out.”
“Well, you better, man. I don’t want to be pulled down with you… What the hell?” Hatchet turned to follow Jackrabbit’s wide-eyed gaze and it only took a minute to find the source of his surprise. The cows were moving, happily following the woman up the ramp. Her hands were still tied but she seemed to be holding out a piece of fruit to lure them inside the trailer, and they followed like little kittens after a bowl of cream.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Hatchet said. He watched the odd parade as the petite girl easily led the cows into the trailer, coming out by herself a few minutes later. She gave him an exasperated look.
“I was getting tired of listening to you girls argue. Now, if you’re done bickering, can you… can you let me go?”
There was a pleading in her voice that was hard for Hatchet to resist. He looked to Jackrabbit for help, but the man was already loading up Samson next to the cattle and closing the back of the trailer.
Jackrabbit got on his motorcycle, which had been parked and waiting next to Hatchet’s, before finally looking over. He glanced from Hatchet, to the girl, and then back again before he just shrugged.
“I’ll see you later. Figure it out,” Jackrabbit said. He turned the throttle, and a millisecond later the engine purred to life and he rode out onto the road along with the truck and trailer carrying their haul.
Slowly, Hatchet turned back to the woman, whose hands were still tied and who was looking up at him with those big innocent eyes.
Hatchet wracked his brain, but he just didn’t know what the fuck to do with her. It didn’t help that her subtle perfume, something light and sweet all at the same time, was getting into his head and doing all sorts of things to his ability to think straight.
“You have to let me go now,” she said, and it wasn’t a question. It was a demand. Hatchet cocked his head, looking down at her. “Your friend didn’t seem to mind.”
“And what if I don’t want to do that?” His voice dropped an octave, turning rough and gravelly as his spoke. His thoughts were filled with all the things he would much rather do to her than let her go.
“You have to! Let me go right this instance, or I’ll… or you’ll regret it!” She was glaring now, and Hatchet couldn’t keep his mouth from curling up at the edges as amusement rolled through him.
Here he was, at least twice the size of her, and she was threatening him. It was funny, and endearing, and if he wasn’t careful he had a feeling that this little woman would have him on his knees. A flush of arousal at the thought left his pants feeling tighter than before. Yeah, kneeling would put him at exactly the right height… Stay focused, asshole. This is about the job. That’s all. Nothing else. Stop letting your dick do your thinking for you.
Finally, Hatchet sighed, moving more from instinct than anything else as he reached around her for the rope that bound her hands together. Before he could let himself think twice about what he was doing he tugged at the knot keeping it secure and a moment later it fell to the ground.
“Are you letting me go?” She rubbed at her wrists.
He felt a pang of guilt but shoved it away. He was a criminal for Christ’s sake. He couldn’t let himself feel bad about doing what he had to.
“No. I’m giving you a choice.” The words came out harder than he had intended, and he hated when she flinched at his tone. But her big eyes never left his. He wondered briefly at their color once more, wondering what it was. He would find out soon enough.
“What choice?”
“You can turn around right now and walk back to the ranch, or you can come with me. Those are your only two options.” Hatchet stared down at her, forcing his hands to stay still at his side. “Decide now.”
She looked around nervously at the deserted old road surrounded by miles and miles of empty land. He saw her hesitate and he knew what her answer would be. But, just as she opened her mouth to speak, a haunting sound rose from the tree line that circled them. Coyotes. And by the sound of them, it was a large pack, and hungry.
Hatchet saw the fear creep into her eyes as the pack howled again, drawing closer this time, and he saw the exact moment her answer solidified.
“Alright,” she said, nodding once as she stepped towards him, “I’ll come with you.”
“No second chances,” he said gruffly. He didn’t think he had it in him to let her go twice. Anger flashed like quicksilver across her features, but it fled as the hungry howls broke the quiet once more. This time, it sounded like it was coming from right behind them.
“Let’s just get out of here, okay? I’ve seen what a small pack of coyotes can do to a cow four times my size.”
“Whatever you want, darlin’,” Hatchet said, walking towards his motorcycle. “Whatever you want.”
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Read on for a sample from ROADBURNERS MC #2: RUINED!
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SAMPLE: Ruined
Chapter 1
“Oh god. Fuck yes.” Rachael moaned the words as she hitched her hips, once more making contact with the hard, hot body beneath her. They were both tangled up in the sheets, sweat soaking their skin from the energetic morning romp but neither noticed. They were lost in each other.
It was the same as it was every time Rachael and John Dawes, more commonly known as Jackrabbit, fell into bed together. Or the kitchen table. Or the back of her truck. Or the alley behind the bar that Rachael lived above. One touch and they both exploded. Sparks flying everywhere. Burning out of control for one another.
Rachael bit of another groan of pure pleasure at the feel of Jackrabbit’s teeth grazing that sensitive curve where her neck melted into her shoulder and it sent shockwaves tumbling through her, adding to the intense sensations that already threatened to overwhelm her.
Her tense muscles were straining. A quiver grew from her legs and quickly spread to the rest of her body. Rachael panted, biting her lower lip as the pleasure turned into ecstasy, and then something urgent—something more insistent. She tried to hold back, tried to hold out just a little bit longer but before she could even take her next breath, she felt herself coming apart.
“Johnny!” She cried out, her mind nothing but a haze as her body shook in his arms. On and on, he thrust hard inside her, stretching her orgasm for what seemed like an infinity but a few moments later he followed her over the edge. His fingers tensed, digging hard enough at her hips bruise but she didn’t care. She was lost in the plea
sure that still rode her body.
With one last weak cry, he wrung the last ounce of ecstasy from her. Rachael collapsed with a breathless laugh on top of his muscular chest. Her breaths came out soft and husky as she rolled to one side, the sheet rolling with her and covering about half of her body.
The rest of her was still on display but Rachael didn’t care. They had just finished having sex together and still, Jackrabbit’s dark blue eyes were drawn to her curves, gleaming with a lean and hungry light.
He swept one callused hand from her thigh, traveling up the peak of her hip and into the valley of her waist and then up some more, just skimming the tip of her still sensitive nipple to sweep across the skin of her shoulder.
He let his fingers rest there, just touching her, caressing her as if he couldn’t make himself stop. Like he didn’t want to lose the connection between them. That thought left a warm emotion tightening across her chest, and a little kernel of panic rising right alongside it.
Fighting to keep things light and easy between them, Rachael turned her head to send him a devilish grin.
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” She whispered huskily and drew a husky laugh from Jackrabbit.
“It is becoming a bit of a problem, isn’t it?”
“A bit? This is the third time this month I’m going to be late for work.” But even still, Rachael didn’t move from the bed, or Jackrabbit’s touch. The people of Mayville could just wait a little damn longer to get their burnt coffee. The thought made her scowl a little. The people of Mayville, she thought sarcastically, all one thousand three hundred and eighty of them.
It was a small, rural town. Mostly farms and farmers with more cattle than people. Everyone knew everyone else’s business, especially when that business concerned the sheriff’s trouble maker daughter.
It was one of the reasons she couldn’t wait to get out of this town, move to a city where she could start all over. Move somewhere that she could be anyone she wanted to be. She’d already put her plan for operation get the hell out of dodge in place.
Rachael glanced over at Jackrabbit, who was still eyeing her like a piece of birthday cake and some of the excitement about her plan dimmed. He was one part of her plan that she hadn’t, well, hadn’t planned on to be honest. He kind of snuck up on her.
It had been the night of her best friend Elsie and his best friend Hatchet’s wedding. She’d been dying in her role of maid of honor, standing on the sidelines getting steadily drunk as she watched the happy couple.
Jackrabbit had sauntered over with that sexy as hell grin curling up one corner of his delectable mouth. He asked her if she wanted to get out of there. She said yes and they ended the night twined together in the back of her jeep, and then again at her apartment, and then one more time in her shower the next morning. That was six months ago, and they haven’t been able to keep their hands off each other since.
Rachael shivered as he continued to sweep his thumb across her still sensitive skin. She closed her eyes and tried to lose herself in the moment instead of her own chaotic thoughts.
John “Jackrabbit” Dawes, whom she preferred to think of as the biggest playboy she’d ever met, wasn’t exactly the long term type. But it didn’t matter to her. She’d learned first-hand that nothing lasts. This had been true of every relationship she’d ever gotten into. She was the epitome of unlucky in love.
She’d never had a single relationship that worked, and she’d learned over the years not to expect them too. It was a lot easier that way—a lot less heartache. It was hard to get hurt when you started something already knowing it would end sooner rather than later.
Have fun while it lasts. Rachael repeated her motto silently. And don’t let the door hit you on the ass when it’s over.
She knew it was a little cynical, but Jackrabbit seemed to have no problem with their arrangement, even though they’ve had to keep things secret. A part of Rachael liked the thrill of sneaking around and finding hidden places to meet together.
The thing was, her father was the sheriff of Mayville County, and Jackrabbit… Well, Jackrabbit was the new president of the Roadburners, a local biker gang that liked to cause trouble in the area. Nothing that bad, at least according to Rachael’s way of thinking of things. Not exactly legal, sure, but stealing a couple stray head of cattle from a big ranch didn’t really hurt anybody. It’s not like they were going around murdering people.
Of course, her father wouldn’t see it like that. To him, the Roadburners might as well be public enemy number one. There was also no way in hell that he’d approve of anything going on between Rachael and Jackrabbit—which only added to the appeal for her.
Yeah, right, as if he’s ever approved of anything I’ve ever done, Rachael snorted to herself. She was the wild child. The rebellious one. He always used to joke that her twin sister Hannah got all the ‘good’ genes, and she got all the bad ones. She moved out of his house as soon as she turned eighteen. But in this small town, it was still hard to get out from under her father’s shadow. She’ll always be known as the Sheriff’s daughter.
Maybe in Houston… The thought trailed off at the soft touch across her cheek. She blinked her eyes open.
“What are you thinking about, Rae?” Jackrabbit asked, smoothing his finger across her forehead next, “You’ve got a furrow right here.”
Rachael just shrugged. Her signature devil-may-care grin was back in full force. “Nothing. Nothing at all. Just work.”
“Uh huh. Okay.” He shook his head, obviously not buying it.
She was relieved when he didn’t push her any further. Keep things light. Keep things easy and fun. Don’t get too serious, don’t get too deep. Those were the rules that she lived by.
He let out a little laugh suddenly, his blue eyes sparkling like the ocean as he matched her grin for grin.
“What? What’s so funny?” She finally asked.
“You called me Johnny.”
“What?” Rachael asked again, giving him a confused look. He leaned forward so he could whisper the words against her ear.
“When we were fucking.” He said. “I made you come and you said my name,” His voice was hoarse and Rachael moved restlessly as another wave of arousal hit her hard and low. “You called me Johnny instead of Jackrabbit.” He leaned back to look at her. “No one calls me Johnny.”
“Well, I guess I do.” She said, suddenly breathless. The look in his eyes darkened, the moment drawing out between them and that spark of panic was back. Rachael rolled to one side of the bed, landing on her feet and stood, completely naked and completely confident. The heavy lidded look Jackrabbit gave her certainly didn’t hurt either.
She threw a snarky grin over her shoulder. “I like Johnny. It suits you. Besides, you’ll probably be on to the next girl soon enough and then you can have her call you whatever you want. Superman, the amazing sex machine. Anything you want.”
Rachael turned and walked to the bathroom, putting a little extra sway in her step just for his viewing pleasure. She felt his stare burning into her from behind and nearly laughed out loud as she swept into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.
Jackrabbit lay back in his bed, one arm propped above his head. He was so distracted by the delectable ass bouncing in front of him that it took an extra-long minute for Rachael’s words to sink in. When they finally did it was his turn to furrow his brows as he stared at the close bathroom door that she’d just disappeared behind.
His thoughts whirled in his head, tangling together into one big confusing mess. He knew he should be happy about her attitude about whatever it was that was going on between them. But even still, he couldn’t help but feel his ego deflate a little about how casual she was about him moving on.
Of course it’s my ego, he assured himself, what else would it be? It was just a fling, right? He should be happy that she wasn’t one of those clingy girls that expected him to proclaim his undying love after their first roll in the ha
y. Those same girls often times turned around and walked away at the drop of a hat. Usually right into someone else’s bed, he thought cynically.
It had happened before and he was sure it would happen again. It was better this way. Better not to get too involved. Better to just have fun. And fuck, Rachael was a hell of a lot of fun.
The thought had a grin that was pure sex pulling across his lips. She was like a firecracker, going from zero to sixty in no time flat. He’d never met anyone quite like her, especially not in a town as tiny as Mayville.
He glanced around his small studio apartment. It wasn’t anything fancy but it was close to the Roadburners clubhouse. Now that he was president of the crew, he spent a lot more time there and liked the convenience. Especially now with everything that was going on.
With a sigh, Jackrabbit grabbed ahold of the small rabbit foot attached to the chain around his neck. It sat right next to his dog tags and he never took either off. He wore them as a reminder.