Broken (Roadburners MC Book 3) Read online

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, events, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.

  Broken copyright @ 2017 by Brook Wilder and Scholae Palatina Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2


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  Click the links or covers below to read the other two standalone books in the Roadburner MC trilogy:




  Chapter 1

  A soft smile flew across Hannah’s lips as she carefully folded the pale pink onesies, just in case, and packed them neatly next to the emergency diapers, wipes, and a book titled How To Be A Parent For Dummies. Hannah thought Rachael would scoff at that last item, then secretly read it. She knew if she was in her twin sister’s shoes, or those little paper booties they gave at the hospital anyway, she would be grateful for all the help she could get.

  “I’m an aunt,” Hannah muttered to herself with a delighted laugh that faded into a rueful shake of her head, “and Rachael’s a mom.”

  She still couldn’t believe it. Of course, she’d seen the evidence of the baby over the last few months with her own eyes. There was no disputing that. If anyone had asked her nine months ago whether she thought her twin sister and the president of the notorious Roadburners motorcycle gang would be ideal candidates for parenthood, well, it would have been her turn to scoff.

  But now, after everything she’d seen and everything they’d gone through together, she had hope for them, and for their baby girl. Rachael and Jackrabbit loved each other, it was plain as day to Hannah. And it was about time they figured it out as well. Hannah nodded her head firmly at that last stray thought. But that was Rachael. As strong willed and stubborn as a mule, even if the evidence was right in front of her nose.

  They may have had the same sparkling green eyes and dark auburn hair, but besides the physical attributes they had always been total opposites of each other. While Rachael loved to jump off of the nearest available ledge, never knowing what was waiting for her at the bottom, Hannah preferred to approach life in a measured, logical way. Rational Hannah. Logical Hannah. She never got hurt that way.

  Hannah finished packing the bag, trying to shake off the morose turn of her thoughts as she got ready to leave for the hospital. She was dying to meet her new niece. She had just zipped the bag when the sound of the door bursting in had her turning around.

  For a moment she thought it might be her father, coming back to the house to pick up something for Rachael but as her green eyes clashed against stormy gray she knew something was wrong. Also, the gun pointed straight at her was a pretty big indication that things were about to take a turn for the worst.

  Hannah scanned the stranger, quickly cataloguing adjectives as she did. Tall, broad, handsome, imposing, threatening. Although she thought that last one might have had more to do with the gun than the man. Her green gaze flicked to his face, tracing the hard line of his jaw, the slashing cheekbones shadowed by days of scruff, and the nose that had obviously been broken more than once. She hastily revised her previous assumption. This man would be just as intimidating without the gun. And the vicious light gleaming in his steel colored eyes told her that he knew it.

  Well, she wasn’t about to let him scare her. As threatening as he was, he could have shot her at any time and he hadn’t. Which only made her believe that maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t there to hurt her.

  Hannah forced her chin in the air, her voice calm as she threw out a slew of questions.

  “Who are you? What are you doing here? Is that a real gun?”

  He gave her an odd look, finally answering after a nod toward the weapon, “Yes, it is.” He moved closer as he spoke but the barrel never wavered, “I’m here to kidnap you, and my name is Finn.”

  The grin he shot her then had her heart racing, and not just from fear. The smile completely transformed his face, taking all the hard angles and softening them just enough to make her breath catch in her lungs. But then the rest of his words registered and Hannah had to fight back a snort of disbelief.

  “Are you now,” She shook her head, “Well, I’ve got a few things to say about that, Mr. Finn–.”

  “It’s not Mr. Finn,” He cut in with an irritated scowl as if he didn’t quite know what to make of her, “It’s just Finn.”

  Hannah froze for a moment as the name finally registered. Finn. Leader of the M60’s. A rival Motorcycle gang, and the man who had tried to kill Jackrabbit and Rachael, along with the rest of the Roadburners crew. Including Rachael’s best friend Elsie and her husband, Hatchet, an ex-Roadburner himself.

  For months, Finn and his crew had been trying to take out the Roadburners, their war finally ending in a major shootout that had driven the M60’s out of town for good. Or so they had thought. Apparently, they’d thought wrong.

  “Come on. We’re leaving.” Finn was saying and Hannah had to drag herself out of her thoughts. Her feet seemed to move on their own as he pushed her forward with the barrel of the gun.

  She didn’t fight as they made their way down the stairs and out through the front door of the small, country house she shared with her dad. Hannah thought absently that at nearly twenty-one she should probably think about getting her own place before shaking her head. First things first, and the first thing was getting away from Mr. Muscles here without having any holes shot through her.

  He stalked behind her, tense, his eyes constantly scanning as if expecting an attack at any moment. Hannah kept her silence until they neared the edge of the property line. It
had only taken a second to deduce that he hadn’t brought a vehicle, at least not one that she could see. She wondered if he had one stashed somewhere and that was where he was taking her.

  Mayville Texas was about as rural as it got. Beside the small stretch down main street which had a few bars, a grocery store, and some run-down apartments, every house was spread out with acres of farmland and forest in between. Surely, he didn’t walk there. But as he continued to push her ahead of him, there was still no sign of a car, or truck. Not even a motorcycle.

  Finally, after they had been walking for at least ten minutes in silence, Hannah spoke, hoping to reason with him before they got too far away from the house.

  “Why are you kidnapping me? What are you hoping to accomplish?” The words were as calm and measured as always and he gave her another sideways look before shrugging.

  “I’m going to use you as leverage, Rachael. Leverage against Jackrabbit, against the Roadburner’s. You’re my hostage now.”

  Hannah nodded slowly as her mind worked furiously. Of course. He had mistaken her for her sister. Boy, was he in for a surprise.

  “That would be a good plan, except for a few things,” Hannah said slowly as she watched him. “First of all, my father is the sheriff and he has a lot of connection in the area, so I’m fairly certain we won’t get far without detection. Secondly, I’m not sure what sort of leverage I’ll provide against Jackrabbit, because thirdly, and this is the big one, I’m not Rachael.”

  She watched his eyes narrow to twin blades as he scowled at her. “What the hell are you talking about? I know who you are. Rachael Donohue. Green eyes. Dark Hair. Sherriff’s daughter, you admitted that yourself. It all fits my intel.”

  Hannah couldn’t keep the small, almost apologetic smile off her face as she looked up at him, “Well, there’s one very important detail your intel missed. Rachael Donohue has a twin sister.” She paused, waiting to see if the information would register, “An identical twin sister. That’s me. I’m Hannah. Hannah Donohue. You just kidnapped the wrong sister.”


  Fuck! Finn fumed in silent disbelief as he set about tying Rachael’s– No, Hannah’s hands together. His thoughts whirled in chaos as he glanced up at her serious face. She looked back with a calm nonchalance that seemed out of place for having just been kidnapped.

  At first, he’d suspected she was lying, just trying to save her own skin but a quick call to his second in command confirmed his worst fears. Rachael Donohue did in fact have a twin sister named Hannah. And now she was standing there, smirking at him in unconcern. Someone was going to pay for that fuck up and it wasn’t going to be pretty.

  But what the hell was he going to do with her in the meantime? Finn rubbed a callused hand through his hair as he took a quick step back. But the distance didn’t seem to help, because now he could see her. All of her. From the unconcerned expression shouting at him from the depths of her gleaming green eyes, to the small sarcastic smile curving one corner of her ruby red mouth.

  Finn nearly swore again at the turn of his thoughts. He needed to find another way to use her in his plan to get revenge on the Roadburners, and Jackrabbit and Hatchet in particular. What he didn’t need was to dwell on just how stunning she was or the way his nerve endings tingled where his hands had made contact with hers while tying her up.

  “Fuck.” This time, Finn did bite out the epitaph out loud through a tensed jaw as he pulled the pistol out of the holster at his waist and gestured for her to start walking again. She stood there for a long moment, looking from him to the weapon held easily in his hand and back again before finally giving a slight nod. As if it was her own damn choice to be tied up and walking god knows where with an armed man.

  They continued to trek across the rural Texas terrain. Finn made sure to stick mainly to the dense tree line that edged the dirt road, only moving across open field when he had to. He relied solely on his military training. As a sniper and surviving through two tours in the middle east, he’d learned a thing or two about how to move quickly on foot when he had to.

  For what felt like the hundredth time in the last hour his eyes were drawn back to Hannah. She was walking stoically ahead of him, for all the world like she was on a leisurely hike rather than being forced ahead at gunpoint.

  He shook his head, his thoughts tumbling haphazardly as he kept one eye on her and the other on the area around them. Even though he’d tried over the past hour, he couldn’t quite figure her out.

  She had been completely silent as they walked, never asking him where they were going or how much longer they would have to walk or whether or not he was going to kill her or any of the thousand questions he imagined anyone else would be screaming at him right about now.

  Finn was more than surprised by her calm, logical response to getting kidnapped at after a while he found an odd sort of respect growing for her.

  She’s bad fucking news, Finn reminded himself fiercely. Don’t let her distract you. You are here on a mission. Get your revenge. Make the Roadburners pay. Make Hatchet and that son of a bitch Jackrabbit pay.

  He was so lost in his own vitriolic thoughts that he nearly missed the sound of tires crunching on the dirt and gravel road. With a silent curse, Finn wrapped an arm around Hannah, pulling her tight against his body as he hid behind a large tree.

  His hand over her mouth stalled any sound. He couldn’t risk her calling out for help, especially not after he peeked around the rough bark of the trunk and saw the state trooper logo on the side of the patroller. Shit. It was the cops. They were still swarming the area after the shootout at the Roadburners clubhouse.

  Finn’s vision went red as he remembered. He and the rest of his small crew had spent the last months slowly drawing the noose tighter and tighter around those goddamn Roadburners only to have them walk straight into a trap.

  Several of his men had been shot and then the cops had shown up, forcing him to flee right as he’d had Jackrabbit was in his crosshairs. It was just one more betrayal adding fuel to the fire that raged inside him. The fire that wouldn’t be satisfied until the Roadburners were done for good. It was the least they deserved.

  While they hid there, Hannah’s back pressed close against his front two more police cars crept by, obviously on the lookout for him or any other member of the M60’s still in the area. Little did they know that Finn had prepared a bolt hole a few counties over just in case things went south. His time in the military had taught him to always have an out.

  The rest of the crew, or what was left of them anyways, had orders to go directly there and wait for his next order. It was an old abandoned mining shaft that had been built in the perfect hiding space, far enough away from any town to not be noticed and out of use for several decades. They had converted it into their base of operations and Finn knew it was still secure.

  After a long moment with no more traffic on the road, Finn finally allowed himself to relax his hold on Hannah but he felt a pang of regret as she stepped away. She shot him a questioning look, one dark eyebrow raised but didn’t say a word until he did.

  Finn stared right back, “Listen princess, this place is swarming with pigs. We have to keep moving. Get farther away from the road.”

  “I realize that you already know this, but I just need to reiterate the futility of your plan. My father is the sheriff of all of Mayville county,” Hannah said, the tone in her voice turning lecturing as she spoke, “That means that a, he probably realized that I’m missing. B, he’s contacted every local trooper, and c, they’re all looking for me.”

  She shook her head before continuing, “There’s no way you’ll get away with this.”

  “You’d be surprised by just how much I can get away with, princess,” Finn said, a sarcastic snarl on his lips, “More than you realize. Those cops are fucking blind. They’ll never see us. Now, get moving, and not a god damn sound, got it? You call out or scream or any of that shit and I’ll use this.” Finn nodded to the pistol once more holstere
d at his hip.

  Hannah gave him another one of her long, unnerving looks before nodding once more. She turned and started back on the overgrown ATV path they’d been on for the past few hours, walking on without another word.

  The afternoon sun was settling into the branches of the trees overhead as evening began to fall when Hannah tripped a few feet in front of him. Finn was there to catch her before she’d even hit the ground. He’d known the moment she started to fall because for the last three hours he’d been watching her a hell of a lot more than he’d been watching the terrain around them. His mistake, he knew. But even still, he was glad of it as he hauled her back up until she was standing.

  “You alright?” Finn asked gruffly. Caring didn’t exactly come easy to him.

  “Yes, I’m fine thank you very much,” Hannah shot back tersely and he nearly let her go and turned away in anger at her curt words but then he noticed what she was looking at. His own gray gaze travelled downward until he saw her feet, one scraped by the fallen log she’d tripped on. Her bare feet.

  “What the–.” Finn bit out, “You’re not wearing shoes.”

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